Look for the Xanadu Gallery ad in this month's American Art Collector Magazine and you'll find my painting 'Blues' included in the advertisement! Local artist, Donna Frost is also featured in the ad.
If you don't subscribe to American Art Collector, you can find an interactive ad here:
Two of my pieces, "Balance" and "Tempus Fugit", have been included in Sue St. John's latest E-book, "A Walk Into Abstracts, Volume 3".
"Inside "A Walk Into Abstracts Volume Three" you will find 51 stunning abstract paintings by 31 artists. All the artists have a picture of their abstract art and their “working process” on how they did the painting from beginning to end. Their materials, techniques, and work sequence. Every working process is provided with one picture of their abstract art painting." ~ Sue St. John
To learn more, please visit: